Prodotti e strumenti Hogan Assessment Systems

Gli strumenti Hogan presentano qualità distintive che li rendono particolarmente affidabili ed efficaci in psicometria.


Basati su oltre 30 anni di ricerche scientifiche indipendenti.
Squadra interna di ricercatori, con esperti di psicologia delle organizzazioni.


Misurano la reputazione di una persona: come è più probabile che gli altri ne descrivano tratti e comportamenti.
Aiutano a sviluppare auto consapevolezza.


Identificano i candidati con più probabilità di avere buone performance e maggiore fit culturale.
Risultati dimostrabili: performance migliori e meno turn over.


Concepiti per un contesto professionale di selezione e sviluppo.
Sviluppati e validati specificamente su una popolazione di adulti in ambito lavorativo.

Hogan elabora test che esplorano la personalità in ogni sua componente, generando report che interpretano i risultati

Comportamento e Valori

Stile decisionale e di ragionamento

I punti di forza e le aree di miglioramento di tutti i giorni.

Obiettivi, interessi e motivazioni personali.

Punti di forza esercitati con troppa pressione e che fanno deragliare.

La capacità di risolvere problemi e prendere decisioni di business.

La capacità di imparare, decidere e di adattarsi.

Hogan Reports

Leader Focus

Helps new leaders and first-time managers understand how their personality characteristics may influence their leadership effectiveness.

Leadership Forecast Series

Provides leaders with an understanding of their strengths, challenges, and underlying motivators. Requires feedback from a certified coach/user.

High Potential

Intended to help the emergent leader become more effective and the effective leader be more emergent, resulting in maximized leadership potential.

Insight Series

Explores a mid-level manager’s strengths, performance risks, and values, and can be used as a feedback tool for selection or development.


Provides description of participants’ information processing style, decision-making approach and style, and openness to feedback and coaching.


Custom solution that describes job fit and provides a hiring recommendation, interview guide, and method for making a hiring decision.

Leader Basis

Out-of-the-box solution that identifies a candidate’s strengths and potential areas of weakness for leadership roles.

Sales Basis

Out-of-the-box solution for hiring high revenue-generating sales professionals, used for a broad range of sales jobs across industries.


Provides early career advice based on strengths and shortcomings.


Predicts career-derailing behaviors that interfere with the ability to build a cohesive and high-performing team.


A self-guided, comprehensive development-planning tool for individual leadership development.


Identifies core values, compares them with various occupations and cultures, and describes the type of environment in which they will be comfortable working.


Determines key attributes, qualities, and skills, to accurately evaluate potential talent in prospective and incumbent employees.


Identifies each candidate as high, moderate, or low fit for a job.


Used for high-volume employee selection with a hiring recommendation.


Designed for use by a coach or user with expertise to interpret based on numbers alone.

HBRI Interpret

Identifies problem-solving style to predict occupational success and evaluates tactical and strategic reasoning for selection and development purposes.

Hogan 360

Multi-rater feedback tool to help individuals and leaders at any level gain a better understanding of how they are perceived in the organization.


Identifies strengths, as well as potential shortcomings, with tips to optimize employee performance.


Predicts how others describe a leader’s day-to-day approach to work and leadership along with behavioral and leadership implications, competency analysis, and development recommendations.


Identifies safety-minded candidates, focuses and improves training, and recognizes and repairs safety-related gaps in your organizational culture.


Snapshot of interpersonal performance, organizational fit, and a primer for performance improvement and shifts in behavior.


Designed to help team members gain an understanding of team strengths, weaknesses, and culture.


Explores the core values and goals that drive a leader’s behavior, aspirations, and expectations about life.